2010: OTKate's Odyssey

this is what I am up to, in case you are interested

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check Up 3/22

I had intended to do this at the beginning of the month, but, WOW is March flying by.  The majority of excitement around here lately has centered on the fact that we decided to put our house on the market.  We have spent much of the last month cleaning, purging, cleaning, looking a houses, reviewing our finances and cleaning.  Never in my life as a mother have I lived in a house this clean and neat and organized.  I can't find a damn thing.

Despite the stress that comes with trying to sell a house and buy another one, I am feeling much less unhappy than I was at the beginning of the year.  Maybe the looming had me down and the doing is bringing me up.  Not sure, but I am feeling pretty good right now, in spite of being really busy and pretty tired.

A look at my goal list:
1. Knit for friends' expected babies  (Keith remains.  I am working on Sunshine but I think that is destined to become Norah's Easter dress)
2. Finish my fair isle bag that I started last year (it's far from finished but i made significant progress at SPA.)
3. Get my 401k and other retirement vehicles in order (opened IRA for '09; need to set up auto accnt for '10.  this will be easier now that financial picture is getting clearer.)
4. Make 2010 Photo books for the kids (ongoing)
5. Purge house of junk; prep for possible home selling (done!! house looks great & is on the market)
6. Complete my NBCOT certification  done!
7. take a continuing ed course (scheduled for 'seating' in April, cardiopulmonary talk this week)
8. get ACP certified (2/3 comps are done)
9. start an article (that I will get published)
10. Give blood quarterly (need to reschedule, appt was snowed out)
11. compost (i saw steam the other day!)

Perhaps the biggest news is that I accepted a new job today!  Starting May 3rd, I will be the "Lead Therapist" at Sarah Brayton Nursing Home.  I will be working 32 hours a week.  I am hoping that this job leads to professional fulfillment, increased financial security for our family and increased time together as a family.  I think the 'opposite shifts' thing is beginning to take a toll on Tom and I.  Although I will be working more, I think we will be together more because our work schedules will be allowed to overlap.  Finn is starting at daycare on April 5th.

If things with the house work out, 2010 could be a very significant year for our family!


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