2010: OTKate's Odyssey

this is what I am up to, in case you are interested

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Check Up 2/06

It's bee a couple of week so I figured that "goal check" was in order.

1. Knit for friends' expected babies  (picked pattern for Keith's baby, need to swatch)
2. Finish my fair isle bag that I started last year (SPA weekend in 3 weeks!)
3. Get my 401k and other retirement vehicles in order (opened IRA for '09; will set up auto accnt for '10)
4. Make 2010 Photo books for the kids (ongoing)
5. Purge house of junk; prep for possible home selling (dumpster booked, mtg w/Arlene scheduled !)
6. Complete my NBCOT certification  done!
7. take a continuing ed course
8. get ACP certified (Comps are almost done)
9. start an article (that I will get published)
10. Give blood quarterly (first donation is booked for next week)
11. compost (stuff's going in, probably frozen right now)

Things in my life and family are going really well; everyone is healthy, we both have steady work, the children are thriving.  That is largely why I find my generally 'down' mood a bit troubling, but I'm keeping an eye on it.  I think the looming stress and transition of putting Finn in daycare, working more and trying to sell the house is a likely cause.  I find the idea of trying to work more than I am now, while keeping the house in better shape than it is, very overwhelming.   I am attempting to manage this by breaking things down into manageable pieces.  Right now, I am putting the emphasis on getting Finn registered, gradually ramping up my hours and setting up the 'purge.'  It's likely that the house will feel more manageable with less stuff in it.  I also have an idea for a 'to do' board in the kitchen that I have to run by Tom.  Just keeping doing the 'next thing." 

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